Thank you for your interest in taking Class 4 Unrestricted lessons with West Coast Driver Training.
West Coast Driver Training has a Ford E450 20 seat bus for teaching Class 4 Unrestricted.
Each 1 hour (60 minutes) lesson – $150.00 + GST = $157.50. [Please that we recently had to raise our prices due to rapidly increasing fuel prices.]
While we will do Class 4 Unrestricted lessons of 60 minutes or 90 minutes in duration, we recommend that students schedule a minimum of 2 hours (120 minutes) for each lesson.
Please note that our Ford E450 is based in the Cowichan Valley. If we have to bring the truck to Victoria or Nanaimo for a Road Test, we charge a transport fee of $75.00 plus GST each way. This does not apply if the client is driving to Victoria or Duncan as part of a pre-Road Test lesson.
We ask that payments for lessons be made in advance by eTransfer, credit card, cash or cheque. This practice is followed by other Driving Schools and it helps us keep our costs and our lesson prices at reasonable levels. In the past we have, unfortunately, had to spend time following up on late payments. This increases our costs which we, in turn, have to pass along to our clients.
West Coast Driver Training has done a lot or training for organizations which have their own vehicles and want Class 4 Unrestricted training for their staff.
If you work for an organization which operates buses with a “maximum seating capacity of 25 persons (including the driver)” and your employer is willing to let you train on their vehicle, West Coast Driver Training & Education Inc. can do that training with you. Contact Us for rates.