School District 64 on Salt Spring Island is hiring school bus drivers on a part time casual basis and will provide training for prospective drivers who do not already have a Class 2 Drivers License and an Air Brakes Endorsement.
West Coast Driver Training will be providing the Air Brakes Course and Class 2 training for these new school bus drivers hired by School District 64.
For those interesting in applying for any of these positions, here is a link to an advertisement for this School District 64 posting:

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Hi I am trying to get a hold of the school bus driving on Saltspring Island….the like that they provide her doesnt work?
Let me contact their office to find out.
How do I apply for the school.bus drivers position..I alteady have my class 2 license..
I reached out to the office with no success..
Let me contact their office to find out what is happening.