The Gabriola Volunteer Fire Department has asked us to run this Air Brakes Course for some of its firefighters but has kindly opened up its training facilities for anyone else wanting to take this Air Brakes course.
Cost is $175.00 + GST = $183.75 / person. Maximum 10 people due to COVID restrictions.
West Coast Driver Training will be offering an Air Brakes Course in Duncan on:
26-27 February 2022, 9 am to 5 pm, at the H.W. Wallace Cremation and Burial Centre, 5285 Polkey Road, Duncan, B.C. Cost is $175.00 + GST = $183.75 / person. Maximum 10 people due to COVID restrictions.
West Coast Driver Training is currently charging $110.00 plus GST ($115.50) for a 90 minute Class 5 or Class 7 lesson. We will be increasing that to $120.00 plus GST ($126.00) in March 2022.
A local business that we do business with is Hatton Insurance Agency Ltd. at 331 St. Julien Street in Duncan.
Licensed Driving Schools in B.C. are required to provide a Performance Bond to ICBC as a condition of being licensed.
Hatton Insurance Agency Ltd. holds the $10,000 Performance Bond that West Coast Driver Training is required to provide to ICBC in order to be licensed to provide instruction in Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4 Unrestricted and Class 4 Restricted. This $10,000 Performance Bond also covers our license requirement for a $2,000 Performance Bond to provide instruction in Class 5 and Class 7.
The owner of West Coast Driver Training also has residential property insurance through Hatton Insurance Agency.
West Coast Driver Training will be offering an Air Brakes Course in Duncan on:
18-19 December 2021, 9 am to 5 pm, at the H.W. Wallace Cremation and Burial Centre, 5285 Polkey Road, Duncan, B.C. Cost is $175.00 + GST = $183.75 / person. Maximum 10 people due to COVID restrictions.
West Coast Driver Training supports local business. When I recently decided to treat myself to a new Marcus Miller bass I bought it at a local business, Duncan Music at 470 Trans Canada Highway in Duncan.
I have also bought microphones and other equipment from Duncan Music over the years and I will be shopping there in future too.
Duncan Music is a local business that is definitely worth supporting.
Here is a map showing the location of Duncan Music at 470 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan, B.C.:
Here is some videos with Marcus Miller discussing the Sire Marcus Miller bass:
Support Local Business – It’s Important!
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The Air Brakes Course scheduled for 30-31 October 2021 in Nanaimo has been cancelled and will be rescheduled to another date in December 2021.
We have applied for Air Brakes Assessment Officer status and ICBC has indicated that our evaluation to become an Air Brakes Assessment Officer and an Air Brakes Assessment designated school will be done in December 2021.
We hope to schedule an Air Brakes Course at that time so that ICBC representatives can sit in on the course as part of the ICBC assessment procedure.
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Since this article was published by the Cowichan Valley Citizen and reprinted in many other Black Press newspapers in BC, West Coast Driver Training has received messages of support from all over the province. We thanks all those who have called us to express their support for the position we are taking on the use of dash cameras in our cars.
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Over the last several months West Coast Driver Training has experienced a number of incidents of dangerous driving by other drivers around our teaching cars during lessons, several incidents of pedestrians running out into the road in front of our cars during lessons and several Road Rage incidents directed towards our clients during lessons.
We experienced another Road rage incident today from another driver who was apparently upset about one of our Class 7 clients doing the legally required 30 kph through a clearly marked 30 kph school zone in Duncan.
As in previous Road Road incidents we contacted the RCMP to report the incident and the first question the RCMP asked us was whether we had dash camera video of the incident. Unfortunately we did not.
In light of these incidents and for the protection of our clients, Instructors and vehicles, West Coast Driver Training will have operating outward facing dash cameras installed, front and rear, in our training vehicles during all future driving lessons. These cameras record both video and audio.